About Flex@ble

  • What is Flex@ble?

    Are all your friends going to a festival this weekend, but you have to work again because you had to pass on your availability weeks ago? Or do you need extra time for your studies this week, but can't get any time off? Or do you simply have free time and would like to work at the supermarket? At Flex@ble, you decide when and where you work! In addition, you keep the benefits of being an employee and have the freedoms that come with flexible working!

  • How does Fl@xable work?
  • Why Flex@ble?
  • How does Flex@ble differ from traditional employment agencies?
  • Who are the employers on the Flex@ble platform?
  • How does the referral bonus work (Bring a friend bonus)?
  • I have read that I can have part of my salary paid in Bitcoin, how does that work?
  • What if I do not want to receive a part of my salary in Bitcoin?
  • How can Flex@ble provide experienced employees?
  • What are the costs if I post shifts through Flex@ble?
  • Are surcharges included in the costprice I see reflected in the application of a Fl@xr?
  • How does it work?
  • Why Flex@ble?
  • What are the differences between an (temporary) employment agency and Flex@ble?
  • What are the benefits of Flex@ble?
  • What is Flex@ble?
  • Can both franchisees and branches use Flex@ble?
  • How old do employees have to be to work via Flex@ble?

Get started

  • When do I get paid?

    At Flex@ble, every Friday is PayDay! Every Friday, your hours worked (from Thursday the week before until last Wednesday) are paid out (provided the hours worked by you are approved by the employer by Thursday 11:00am). Quick access to your money, how nice! Example 1: Do you work on Thursday? Then you will have your salary on Friday of next week. Example 2: Are you working on Wednesday? Then you will have your salary before the weekend on Friday. NOTE: You will have your salary before the weekend only if the employer has approved the hours by 11:00 am on Thursday. Employees (temporary workers) After a shift worked, your hours are automatically submitted when you used the QR-code scan, you do not need to do anything! Should the employer reject or change the hours, you will receive a notification to accept or reject the change. You will be notified as soon as we have transferred your salary! Freelancer After a shift worked, your hours are automatically submitted when you used the QR-code scan, you do not need to do anything! Should the employer reject or change the hours, you will receive a notification to accept or reject the change. We put these approved hours on the invoice we prepare & send (based on reverse billing). PLEASE NOTE: we have prepared this invoice on behalf of your company. You should therefore process this invoice as a sales invoice and not as a purchase invoice. You do NOT have to pay this invoice. We will transfer the invoice amount to our account within 7 working days from the invoice date. You do not need to draw up your own invoices; we will make payment no later than 7 days from the invoice date. You will receive a copy of the invoice by e-mail.

  • I see different filters under the 'shifts' tab. What do these mean?
  • Where does Flex@ble operate?
  • In which regions does Flex@ble operate?
  • How old do you have to be to work through Flex@ble?
  • What are the payment terms?
  • When can I expect a reply to my application for a shift?
  • Are the fl@xr's insured?
  • What if I am not available to work for a while?
  • How can I ensure that I am accepted faster by the employer?
  • Can I also post a shift for several days?
  • Do I need work experience to work through Flex@ble?
  • How soon can I start working?
  • Until when can I accept an Fl@xr for a shift?
  • Will my travel expenses be reimbursed?
  • How do I post a shift?
  • How should I approve the hours worked by the Fl@xr?
  • What if I have applied for multiple shifts on the same day?
  • When will my hours be approved?
  • What are my obligations?
  • What is a favourites pool & how do I get into a favourites pool?
  • What is the gross hourly wage that I as a temporary employee see reflected in the shift in the app?
  • What kind of work can I do through Flex@ble?
  • What kind of shifts can I post through Flex@ble?
  • How do I create a position?
  • I see different statuses under the tab 'Hours': To be approved, amended, disputed & approved. What do these mean?
  • Until when can a shift be accepted?

Cancellation policy

  • What if I am sent home early?

    If you are sent home early by the client, Flex@ble classifies this as 'no more work' at the employee. In that case, you are entitled to payment for a minimum of 3 working hours.

  • How do I mark an employee as a no-show?
  • How does the cancellation policy work?
  • What happens if a fl@xr does not show up (no-show)?
  • How does the cancellation policy work?
  • What if I send an employee home early because there is no more work?
  • What happens if I don't show up for the shift (no-show)?
  • I am sick, what should I do?
  • A Fl@xr can't come to work, what now?
  • A Fl@xr has called in sick, what should I do?

Temporary worker vs freelancer

  • What about administration as a freelancer?

    Besides the fact that working as a freelancer provides additional freedom, you also have additional responsibilities as a freelancer. One of those extra responsibilities is keeping and maintaining your records. You need to have this in good order for the tax authorities. What documents do you need to keep? You need to keep your invoices, of course. You need these invoices when doing your VAT or tax return to determine your turnover for which you have to pay VAT. Flex@ble generates the invoices for you and sends them to you by e-mail. You will also find a copy of the invoice in your profile. For the VAT return, it is also important that you keep a good record of receipts for business expenses incurred, as these amounts must also be reported as purchase invoices. Note: After you have filed your tax return, you should keep your records well. You are required by law to keep your records for seven years. It is also advisable to set aside a part of your turnover for taxes, insurance and/or unforeseen expenses.

  • How is my salary as an employee (temporary worker) determined?
  • What is the maximum number of hours I can work for the same employer as a freelancer?
  • What is the biggest difference between a freelancer and someone working as an employee (temporary worker)?
  • Is it obligated to have a (business) liability insurance as a freelancer?
  • Can I work as an employee (temporary worker) or as a freelancer?
  • How is the amount of my hourly rate determined (freelancer)?
  • How does working as a freelancer work?
  • How do I become a freelancer?
  • Can I start work without registering with the Chamber of Commerce (CoC)?
  • In addition to working as a freelancer through Flex@ble, can I work elsewhere as an employee?
  • Does working as a freelancer affect my student loan?

My profile

  • How can I change the language?

    The language of your profile is automatically taken from your phone's settings. If you want to change the language manually, you can do so in your profile.

  • How does my favourites pool work?
  • How can I change the language of my profile?
  • The chat function in the app, what is it for?
  • Why is it recommended to turn on my push notifications?
  • How do I get an attractive profile?
  • How does the rating system work?
  • How can I set up (email/push) notifications?
  • The chat feature in the app, what is it for?
  • How can I set which notifications I want to receive?

Privacy & Security

  • As an employee (temporary worker), why do I have to scan my ID card/passport? Why is my ID card checked?

    To work in the Netherlands as an employee (temporary worker), you need a valid ID, possibly in combination with a work permit. For this simple identification within the app, you can use a passport or ID card. A driver's license cannot be used for this purpose. Flex@ble simultaneously checks that your ID is still valid and verifies that we actually have the person in front of us who you claim to be. We also check whether you are allowed to work in the Netherlands. Flex@ble will observe the statutory retention periods. If you are a freelancer, Flex@ble is not entitled to store a copy of your proof of identity. However, you must identify yourself to the employer/client.

  • How are my personal data secured?
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